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Pitted windscreen Repairable?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:54 am
by PioneerSSM
Hi Ive just took delivery of my X5 last week. Its a Stratstone car, and as such comes with BMW warranty and the 30 day exchange option so no dramas in reaching a successful conclusion to my problem.

My problem is that I test drove, inspected, & took delivery of the car in the wet! Yes I know never buy a car in the wet. It just never stopped raining that week. As such it wasn't until i got home and 2 days later I discovered that the windscreen was seriously pitted and had even had a chip repair carried out on it.

Needless to say the dealer doesn't want to replace the screen, I have a different view of this (No pun Intended) having spent £22K.

Has anyone else on the forum seen this type of damage to a windscreen, and is so can this be rectified by a machine polish or as I suspect not?

Its a 60 plate and has done 55K

Many thanks


Re: Pitted windscreen Repairable?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:27 pm
by X5Sport
Dealer should be replacing it as you can only fix a chipped screen once.  Bit more of a challenge unless the chip is on the driver's side in which case they ought to replace it without any argument.

They won't want to fix it as the standard BMW screen costs about £700 a time inc labour.

Re: Pitted windscreen Repairable?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:20 pm
by PioneerSSM
Thanks for that. Looks like I might be giving the vehicle back under their 30 day return policy then!

£700 no wonder they don't want to put their hand in their pocket. Still they should have prepared the vehicle to the correct standard in the first place.  >:(

Re: Pitted windscreen Repairable?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:13 pm
by shadrack
hammer and an insurance excess  :))

Re: Pitted windscreen Repairable?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 7:41 pm
by bubbabear
if you return under 30 day program then you will be offered trade in book value??