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OEM Rubber floor mats for E70?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:38 pm
by Mefster
I'm new into the X5 ownership experience: collecting a 2011 40d M Sport at the weekend after selling our Range Rover TDV8.

I was pretty underwhelmed by the Range Rover, although the one fantastic feature was decent OEM rubber floor mats: good thick high quality mats with metal corners.  They were perfect for winter and our 7 and 5 year old boys- clambering in the car with muddy feet, and actually gave the interior car a more purposeful appearance.

Can you get similar quality OEM mats for the E70 X5?  I've seen plenty of aftermarket options on the web but they don't look anything like the quality.

Re: OEM Rubber floor mats for E70?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:54 pm
by kjb1
yes BMW do a genuine winter over rubber mat, not quite as classy looking as Rangeys!! ( i know ones you talk about ).  How come the switch? I thought Rangey was meant to be the ultimate!!

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Re: OEM Rubber floor mats for E70?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:32 pm
by Mefster
How come the switch? I thought Rangey was meant to be the ultimate!!


Swapped a Cayenne Turbo for the TDV8 18 months ago. Loved the Cayenne but has always wanted a Range Rover and with young kids we never really used the performance of the Cayenne.  Overall was quite underwhelmed by the Range Rover experience. The Cayenne was 5 years older but dynamically was better in every way.  Range Rover cabin was lovely, quality of interior finish what you'd expect and good levels of kit (although The satnav was hugely over complicated and used to get its knickers in a twist at key moments and change or remove the route), I also never got through the 16 pages in the handbook on the climate control. I never felt the paintwork as durable as the Cayenne's seem to scratch easily on foliage.

Final straw was a move to a more rural location. Drive in is now country lanes and although the height is great for seeing over hedges, the combination of sheer mass and inertia, wallowy air suspension and unsupportive seats gave you no confidence on the twisty stuff even a vaguely normal speeds.

We need an SUV for its space, height and although not renowned for its off roading, with winter wheels will give a bit of confidence if the weather turns. Hopefully the X5 will be a little more dynamic and tick the boxes.

With a blank cheque it'd be a Cayenne every time. I don't like the image but awesome car to own. I've lots of friends who are repeated RR customers: all but one have never owned a Cayenne. He says he'll never get a Range Rover again!

Re: OEM Rubber floor mats for E70?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:09 pm
by ex540d
Did you have any reliability issues with the RR ?