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Help finding a replacement switch for this....

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:52 am
by j2d
Having a go at fixing our faulty tailgate boot switch and 1 of the 2 number plate lights, I have managed to cut the plastic back off to get at the circuit board inside, which is corroded to bits, which is repairable now I can get to it to work on, but on of the micro switches behind the boot release button needs replacing (as in pic below)
Anyone know where I can get a replacement? I popped into Maplin yesterday, but they couldn't help me, the only switches they sold were far too big!


Thanks in advance


Re: Help finding a replacement switch for this....

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:09 am
by X5Sport
RS Components?  They might even have a Trade Counter near you.  Worth a look on line at their catalogue.


Re: Help finding a replacement switch for this....

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:11 pm
by j2d
Thanks for the reply Richard,

But I managed to take the micro switch apart, and clean up the metal parts that had corroded slightly.

Also managed to fix the corroded circuit board with a few soldered in bits of wired, siliconed it all back together, both the boot release switch and 2 number plate lights are working a treat with no error messages - happy days!!!
