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Re: Newbie Just bought e53 2004 3.0d PLEASE HELP

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:21 pm
by andym3
Some really good constructive helpful replies if sorting the issues is the aim, however, I stand by my post in that I would reject the car or want issues sorted by the trader who sold it rather than pay to sort this myself.

Yes I totally agree with you which is the reason why I've threatened to take them to court if I don't get my money back. They've offered "some" of the money back but I have spoken to trading standards and have been told that I am entitled to full money. Man how I miss my trouble-free M3!
Agree with AW8!
If they don't want to refund, make sure they sort every little problem with the car! Go over the whole car with a fine tooth comb and give them a written list of all the issues!  ;)

Re: Newbie Just bought e53 2004 3.0d PLEASE HELP

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:56 pm
by Drpellypo
The garage will most likely have a warranty on the car, so any problems will be sorted by that. A refund is more of a pain for them however, which is why they are resisting.

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Re: Newbie Just bought e53 2004 3.0d PLEASE HELP

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:57 pm
by Reusch
Garages don't like using there so called warrantys for some reason.