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Insurance question

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Insurance question

Post by Smeeagain » Fri May 02, 2014 9:55 am

I mentioned in another post that a repair van struck my car and failed to stop. I'm in discussion with their employer who has put me on to their insurer. I have some questions for the good chaps (and chapesses) of the forum.

1) Does me making a claim on their insurance in any way impact my own insurance now or in the future?

2) Do I need to inform my own insurer for any reason whatsoever?

3) Failure to stop is an offence under the Road Traffic Act as far as I understand. I've told his employer (and pointed out to them that is is an offence but as a national repair/breakdown company they will know this as will their insurer) but is there a liability on me to inform the police?


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Re: Insurance question

Post by X5Sport » Fri May 02, 2014 10:32 am

AFAIK you are only obligated to inform the police if there are injuries.  You can report it if there are allegations and you'll need to make a statement.  Failing to stop and exchange details is indeed an offence.

If you report it to you insurance company then they will record it as a claim even if the other party pays up. 

When I got hit a couple of years back by a driver reversing and needed a re sprayed bumper, his insurer paid up and mine recorded it as a 'no fault' accident so it has not affected my policy.

If they don't pay out and your insurer is asked to cough up, then it may well affect you.

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Re: Insurance question

Post by Smeeagain » Sat May 03, 2014 12:30 pm

So although you were hit by someone and their insurer paid you did inform your own insurer (just trying to work out how they knew about it?)

But I'm not obliged to tell my insurer at this stage? If they don't pay up I will fix it myself and not go through my insurer.

I just want to make sure that their insurer for example doesn't inform my insurer? - I haven't actually made a claim upon them yet but they have my details and presumably they will then know who my insurer is

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Re: Insurance question

Post by Denis O » Sat May 03, 2014 5:21 pm

The fact that the 3rd parties insurer will end up paying out for your car means there is a record of "your" accident. When asked on a proposal form "have you been involved in any accidents or claims in the last 5 years, whether your fault or not" you will have to say yes.

There is certainly a database of claims with house insurance. I attempted to make a claim with Hiscox a few years ago and they denied the claim stating the item was not covered on the policy. On future applications I answered no to any claims on the basis that I couldn't make a claim for an item that Hiscox said was not insured. I recently applied for household insurance and took the policy with another company having answered no to the previous claims question. All done on line. About a week later they questioned my claims answer, suggesting I'd not advised of a previous claim although it wouldn't make any difference to the quoted premium. I'd forgotten about the Hiscox "claim" so queried the info. They advised the details of the Hiscox "claim" which they got from a database.

There will be a record of your accident so tell your insurance company. If you don't there could be consequences.
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Re: Insurance question

Post by Bargain Bucket » Sat May 03, 2014 6:44 pm

And frustratingly, your premiums will go up because you have made a claim (against the other persons insurance) even though it was the other persons fault.
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Re: Insurance question

Post by Smeeagain » Sun May 04, 2014 11:37 am

Thanks. But my point is, and yes I'm being picky but it's important, I haven't made a claim yet. It started with me phoning the company concerned to complain about the conduct of their driver. They've noted that and passed me on to their insurers, who I have not yet made contact with, so I have not yet made a claim.
What I'm asking is, does the fact that I've started a discussion with the company mean my insurer will know already ? I was more incensed by the failure to stop by a well known repair company than the damage which is fairly minimal

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Re: Insurance question

Post by X5Sport » Sun May 04, 2014 12:44 pm

If they have not told their insurers then it should be still between the two parties.  If they have told their insurers then the record of an accident exists.

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Re: Insurance question

Post by Smeeagain » Sun May 04, 2014 1:38 pm

Ok thanks

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Re: Insurance question

Post by Smeeagain » Sun May 04, 2014 5:18 pm

AFAIK you are only obligated to inform the police if there are injuries.  You can report it if there are allegations and you'll need to make a statement.  Failing to stop and exchange details is indeed an offence.

If you report it to you insurance company then they will record it as a claim even if the other party pays up. 

When I got hit a couple of years back by a driver reversing and needed a re sprayed bumper, his insurer paid up and mine recorded it as a 'no fault' accident so it has not affected my policy.

If they don't pay out and your insurer is asked to cough up, then it may well affect you.


Richard how do I go about getting my insurer to record it as a "no fault" on my side?


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Re: Insurance question

Post by X5Sport » Sun May 04, 2014 5:24 pm

In my case I submitted everything and the 3rd party had accepted liability at the scene anyway so no problem.

If you were stationary/parked and the other side drove off failing to give details, then there really is no case for you to answer so it ought to be recorded as a no fault.

You could also report it to the Police and get a crime ref.  They will then do as the guidelines tell them.  If you saw the driver and can describe him/her, then even better.

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Re: Insurance question

Post by Smeeagain » Sun May 04, 2014 6:29 pm

all i saw was the van logo in my rear view mirror as they just kept going having clipped the mirror

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Re: Insurance question

Post by Raj » Mon May 05, 2014 9:00 pm

I believe you are legally obliged to inform your insurance company when you are involved in an accident (but have to admit most don't, including myself). However, insurance companies tend to inform each other anyway as it keeps them all in business making extra cash of us poor suckers.

When I was hit by my neighbours car which was pushed by a works van we claimed off the third party totally but the third party still informed our insurance companies on our behalf (very kind of them  :().

It was a non fault accident but I was still penalised the following renewal as the wording has now changed to 'any accident irrelevant of fault or not'. I spoke to an insurance company about this as my premium went up £100 across all the insurance companies I tried, and I was informed that the increase was because I was more likely to be involved in an accident even though it was not my fault. I did however point out that this was just a another money making opportunity for the insurance companies.

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Re: Insurance question

Post by Smeeagain » Tue May 06, 2014 11:25 am

Just spoken with my insurer (admiral) - they hadn't been informed by the other party but said I was always better off telling them. They are happy that there is no fault and that it will not affect my renewal.

I made of point of asking of the call was being recorded (which I wanted it to be) and I asked very specifically when I renew if I'm asked if I've been in an accident or collision in the last five years (there have been no other incidents of any kind), should I answer yes or now. The guy said say no as there has not been any damage or any claim (which is basically what they are interested in)

We'll see what happens when I renew and I plan to hit them with  "I've done a comparison online and I've found that I'm paying too much ......

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