Or pull fuse #59 in glove box.
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If working properly the aux heater will come ON at 5 degrees C or below when the engine is running only. The timer stuff is only if you've enabled aux parked heating or have a remote control for it.
If in any doubt you could pull the multi plug off the heater under the bonnet.
Hi there to all, ok I have the thermotopz on my 2004 e53.3.0d no remote control to enable disable it remotely as such, and I guess it does come on automatically when temps go under 5.0C, there are 2 plugs on the heater in the engine bay which do i pull of and what are the implications? is the heater purely to heat coolant so as to provide heat in cabin on cold days before startup? i definitely don't need it in that case, average temps out here never go below 0c.....