With an upgrade in mind I've been searching the net trying to see if front E70 wiper arms can be retro fitted to the E53 to accommodate the genuine aero blades and before people say you can get bosch blades to fit the stock E53 arms thats fine but i hate the way they look awkward with the big cover hiding the connector and they look even worse sat in the car looking out.
Anyway I could find no one else that had done the mod the only mention i could find was on a post on here where someone had fitted the E70 rear arm and blade and i think it was Raj had said the fronts can't be done due to the arms being to long, that's when I thought sod it I'll buy the parts and give it go because if there too long i can shorten the arms if needed.
So the parts turned up today I recived the rear parts arm, blade and cap and the fronts arms and blades.
So then popped home to test fit and sure enough like Raj mentioned one side the passenger side was to long but not by much and the drivers side was spot on,
Here's how the passenger side fitted:
So took it back to work and set about shaving an inch off it and here is how.
The end is clamped round the bar
So i cut the end free
Then trimmed the arm down an inch and repositioned the arm in the end ready to weld back up
Once welded and welds ground smooth and touched up with satin black.
Back on the car this time bolted on.
Pic of the before.
And the after.
A pic I found on the net of a set of aftermarket conversion blades.
And for good measure the back before and after ( no mods needed).
Some I'm sure will be thinking what's the point but I love there low profile sleek look rather than the dated old style or the aftermarket conversion blades and the work GREAT
So i might be the first person running the genuine E70 front wipers ( that I know of)