like some people have posted i was keen to get a E70 rear wiper and arm and replace the old age looking rear wiper!
went onto Ebay and found this item for sale ... 1439.l2649
With 20 or so sold i thought all must be good and went and bought one !
Turned up a few days later , but to my surprise something just wasnt quite right
The wiper arm fitted fine to the jeep , but when i went to attach the blade thats when things got interesting
This is a photo of what was advertised

$(KGrHqIOKocFE2Jk5Fu)BRP2!,86+g~~60_12 by Jack Strathdee, on Flickr
And this is what i have got :/

photo(12) by Jack Strathdee, on Flickr
now you can clearly see what i have been given is not the photo in the link , instead they have gave me a wiper and arm both with male connections on them
So along with the photo i sent a email back via ebay , explaining the above , and what was wrong
The response was typical and got me wound up very quickly !
"send us your reg and car details and we will check the vechical for compatibility"
at which point i replyed are you serious ect ect this isnt a car issue it the wiper and arm issue
any way that wasn't getting through to them so i returned the item .... 4 weeks later and they still didn't apparently have it! , so opened a case with ebay and asked for a refund ,
But they then sent out another item claiming that it would be checked before shipped
Long story short a new one turned up exactly the same as the last one , so now this is why im posting to say dont waste your time or money with these clowns as they clearly dont have a scooby when it comes to real basic stuff
thats all! >:(