I have a 2006 3.0 diesel with Webasto under the bonnet but no remote control.
When i open the menu pictured above i have the 2 timers & aux ventilation but no mention of heating!
I have noticed that when i unlock the doors something fires up under the bonnet.
Does this mean my heater only starts up when i'm just about to get into the car? If so what a useless extra (i know it was standard on the diesel) to fit to a car.
Only reason i want this verified is i may consider doing the Maplin relay mod.
Thanks in advance,
The webasto isn't to heat the cabin area...that was an after thought by bmw (to charge extra

As fenj66 said if you don't have a remote and it only says auv vent you don't have it.Aux vent can be programed to come on just the same but will only blow cold air into the cabin. HTH[/quote]
Hi Mitch
I know I'm dim but are you saying it does not heat the cabin area as mine does ?[/quote]
Hi Penny....what i meant was that if you don't have the oem set up with the remote like yours or an aftermarket mod like mine then you don't have 'aux heating' and will not get warm air into the cabin area like ours.
However you still would have aux ventilation which you can also program on the obc to come on but it will only blow cold air into the cabin.
I hope that makes sense now as i'm begining to waffle on a bit here...