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found this site via google,but does it stem from an old site
found this site via google,but does it stem from an old site
whilst doing some research on X5 i heard others mention but it doesn't seem to work anymore, is this the new version or different?
Re: found this site via google,but does it stem from an old
Hi there and welcome.
The domain expired of the old site, and there is a fair bit around the history of that which I won't go into but you can see it on xoutpost: ... -down.html
It is the same moderating team, and the user base is pretty much all back again as well. We lost the old data, but the members here are working hard to get it all back again.
The domain expired of the old site, and there is a fair bit around the history of that which I won't go into but you can see it on xoutpost: ... -down.html
It is the same moderating team, and the user base is pretty much all back again as well. We lost the old data, but the members here are working hard to get it all back again.
X5M F85, Golf Clipper, Abarth 595 Competizioni, Jeep
911 50th anniversary -
Site & Forum Admin Team Member.
911 50th anniversary -
Site & Forum Admin Team Member.
Re: found this site via google,but does it stem from an old
i'll have a look at that link
already on here ready some posts there are some friendly and knowledgeable people
i'll have a look at that link
already on here ready some posts there are some friendly and knowledgeable people