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AC compressor failure ?
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- Posts: 1371
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AC compressor failure ?
Guys n Girls...
My X5 had an AC compressor failure (3.0L D-Sport 2005) last year in all that heat, & the heat is on its way again soon...
The failure turned out to be NOT the compressor itself failing, but the electric coil that clamps the clutch together...
The labour bill to swap the compressor for a replacement was going to be £350 approx from several different garages quoted for labour alone, & is a bitch of a job.
So, as i had a dead compressor on the shelf, I found a Citroen AC solenoid/coil of approx the same dimensions, and better still by clipping a tiny piece of fan cowling from under the vehicle, this slightly modified coil is a reasonably easy swap out from under the vehicle.
The hardest part of the job was actually finding a pair of circlip pliers that would reach into the coil centre to release a clip - after the clutch assembly was removed.
The best bit, is that MOST AC failures are NOT the compressor itself, but the coil/solenoid that activates the AC clutch.
Swapping the coil & re-assembling the clutch takes about 15 mins.... releasing the circlips is a fiddle but can be done with 10 mins patience, & the whole job is about 2 hrs.
The best bit, is that you can do it for the cost of the modified solenoid £85 & a couple of hours under the vehicle.... & you don't even need to re-charge the AC system...
If the coil fails, it will either fail open circuit & simply die, or is welds itself into a big copper blob & pops a fuse which takes out half the systems in the vehicle..... either way it is easy to diagnose the fault.
My X5 had an AC compressor failure (3.0L D-Sport 2005) last year in all that heat, & the heat is on its way again soon...
The failure turned out to be NOT the compressor itself failing, but the electric coil that clamps the clutch together...
The labour bill to swap the compressor for a replacement was going to be £350 approx from several different garages quoted for labour alone, & is a bitch of a job.
So, as i had a dead compressor on the shelf, I found a Citroen AC solenoid/coil of approx the same dimensions, and better still by clipping a tiny piece of fan cowling from under the vehicle, this slightly modified coil is a reasonably easy swap out from under the vehicle.
The hardest part of the job was actually finding a pair of circlip pliers that would reach into the coil centre to release a clip - after the clutch assembly was removed.
The best bit, is that MOST AC failures are NOT the compressor itself, but the coil/solenoid that activates the AC clutch.
Swapping the coil & re-assembling the clutch takes about 15 mins.... releasing the circlips is a fiddle but can be done with 10 mins patience, & the whole job is about 2 hrs.
The best bit, is that you can do it for the cost of the modified solenoid £85 & a couple of hours under the vehicle.... & you don't even need to re-charge the AC system...
If the coil fails, it will either fail open circuit & simply die, or is welds itself into a big copper blob & pops a fuse which takes out half the systems in the vehicle..... either way it is easy to diagnose the fault.
Re: AC compressor failure ?
Sounds like a handy tip as having to replace a compressor on an old car really isn't worth it and it really is great in summer (if we even get a summer or are allowed out again to play ) 

- Snr Member
- Posts: 1371
- Joined: Sun May 25, 2014 11:13 pm
Re: AC compressor failure ?
Absolutely Leslie chap.
The £350 labour alone cost to swap out an AC compressor is essential as it is a BITCH to get one out, & needs the engine jacked a bit & serious under access too.... then there is re-gassing & all the agro & more expense.
where as, to swap the clutch solenoid is relatively simple & just 2 hrs of tinkering.... & I have sourced these solenoids at £98 a chunk ready to fit.
The £350 labour alone cost to swap out an AC compressor is essential as it is a BITCH to get one out, & needs the engine jacked a bit & serious under access too.... then there is re-gassing & all the agro & more expense.
where as, to swap the clutch solenoid is relatively simple & just 2 hrs of tinkering.... & I have sourced these solenoids at £98 a chunk ready to fit.
Re: AC compressor failure ?
I've had aircon problems with my x5 e70, after spending over £2000... Not at once but replacing bits I have given up. I now think it must be a wiring issue or the valve buried deep in the dashboard
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Re: AC compressor failure ?
If you drop the engine Under-Tray - (10 minutes) it will give access to the AC pump.... if it is a burned out solenoid, then you are in luck.
there are just 2 wires to the solenoid that activates the clutch, you can disconnect this solenoid from the vehicle loom & put a multi meter to it.
if no fuses in the vehicle have popped, then the solenoid will have failed open-circuit.
The multi meter will read some thing like 10 Ohms.... any where between 6 & 20 for a good solenoid. if there is no reading at all, then the solenoid has burned out & can be replaced.
If you get a good reading from the solenoid coil, then as you say, the problem is buried deep some where..... but it is usually far simpler.
there are just 2 wires to the solenoid that activates the clutch, you can disconnect this solenoid from the vehicle loom & put a multi meter to it.
if no fuses in the vehicle have popped, then the solenoid will have failed open-circuit.
The multi meter will read some thing like 10 Ohms.... any where between 6 & 20 for a good solenoid. if there is no reading at all, then the solenoid has burned out & can be replaced.
If you get a good reading from the solenoid coil, then as you say, the problem is buried deep some where..... but it is usually far simpler.
AC compressor failure ?
My aircon not working on 2006 E53 3.0D - have a coding error that Aircon Compressor not working and would be delighted to pursue the possibility of this simpler and much cheaper fix - can you offer any further details and how to get the replacement solenoid if indeed it is that which has gone kaput? I have been researching online and it seems my non-functioning auxiliary fan (behind front grill) may be linked to the compressor not working, so will sort that out first....
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- Posts: 1371
- Joined: Sun May 25, 2014 11:13 pm
AC compressor failure ?
Having had Several D-Sport X5's in the last 7 years.... all had a failure of the AC pump...
And... all had the same failure...
But 1st, before you follow my destructions below ... await a response to the code/warning from other members here that may know EXACTLY what this translates to.
It could be low gas pressure, failed sensor. Failed pump etc
In my cases the failure was.... the solenoid that fires the AC Clutch had burned out.
for a simple diagnosis... drop the engine under-tray which will reveal thw AC pump on the RIGHT Lower Side of the engine just behind the main rad fan cowling..
You will need the vehicle ON RAMPS for safety & access.
You will aee the AC unit & its clutch plates & the solenoid on the pump body.
The solenoid will have a couple of wires going to it.
Disconnect these & test the resistance across these wires... also test for a circuit to the pump body & both of theae wires incase it is shorted to the body... if so the solenoid is knackered.
Also test the Ohms resistance across the two wire connections (if not shorted to the body) which will probably be between 4 & 10 ohms resistance due to the large current draw requirement in normal use.
It the solenoids reads short circuit or open circuit, it will also likely blow a fuse in the glove box or trunk causing other instrumentation or functions to cease.... & is knackered but an easy fix.
If ths clutch solenoid reads ok, then anotger issue is the centre bolt holding the clutch guts to the shaft is known to work its way loose... usually an Allan Hex bolt...
It is a small bolt & only needs nipping tight & not sheering off..
Gettinga clutch off is not too difficult, just fiddley & patience is needed.
The viscous fan needs to come off, which can be removed WITHOUT REMOVING THE FAN COWLING.
A small chunk of cowling infront of the AC clutch will also need to be cut away.. about 2 square inches.
This will give acceas to remove the clutch & get some right angled circlip pliers into the centre bore to remove the solenoid etc.
I used to rebuild these solenoids by machining a Renault Solenoid unit, & i am pretty sure i have a solenoid machined ready to fit... & it will work perfectly.
BMW only appears to offer a WHOLE AC pump, which is a major task, and a NEW AC unit is expensive... & needs unbolted engine mountings, de-gas & re-gas the system + 3 or 4 hrs work....
Swapping a whole AC pump is not a task to be taken lightly..
It is a real Ball Ache & best left to a garage, as the vehicle needs to be in the air & have the engine jacked a few inches for access....
If you need a working pump with a new solenoid & clutch fitted, i have one,
or just the solenoid if that has failed & you got lucky.
Feel free to PM me with a phone number for assistance if required.
Grant B
And... all had the same failure...
But 1st, before you follow my destructions below ... await a response to the code/warning from other members here that may know EXACTLY what this translates to.
It could be low gas pressure, failed sensor. Failed pump etc
In my cases the failure was.... the solenoid that fires the AC Clutch had burned out.
for a simple diagnosis... drop the engine under-tray which will reveal thw AC pump on the RIGHT Lower Side of the engine just behind the main rad fan cowling..
You will need the vehicle ON RAMPS for safety & access.
You will aee the AC unit & its clutch plates & the solenoid on the pump body.
The solenoid will have a couple of wires going to it.
Disconnect these & test the resistance across these wires... also test for a circuit to the pump body & both of theae wires incase it is shorted to the body... if so the solenoid is knackered.
Also test the Ohms resistance across the two wire connections (if not shorted to the body) which will probably be between 4 & 10 ohms resistance due to the large current draw requirement in normal use.
It the solenoids reads short circuit or open circuit, it will also likely blow a fuse in the glove box or trunk causing other instrumentation or functions to cease.... & is knackered but an easy fix.
If ths clutch solenoid reads ok, then anotger issue is the centre bolt holding the clutch guts to the shaft is known to work its way loose... usually an Allan Hex bolt...
It is a small bolt & only needs nipping tight & not sheering off..
Gettinga clutch off is not too difficult, just fiddley & patience is needed.
The viscous fan needs to come off, which can be removed WITHOUT REMOVING THE FAN COWLING.
A small chunk of cowling infront of the AC clutch will also need to be cut away.. about 2 square inches.
This will give acceas to remove the clutch & get some right angled circlip pliers into the centre bore to remove the solenoid etc.
I used to rebuild these solenoids by machining a Renault Solenoid unit, & i am pretty sure i have a solenoid machined ready to fit... & it will work perfectly.
BMW only appears to offer a WHOLE AC pump, which is a major task, and a NEW AC unit is expensive... & needs unbolted engine mountings, de-gas & re-gas the system + 3 or 4 hrs work....
Swapping a whole AC pump is not a task to be taken lightly..
It is a real Ball Ache & best left to a garage, as the vehicle needs to be in the air & have the engine jacked a few inches for access....
If you need a working pump with a new solenoid & clutch fitted, i have one,
or just the solenoid if that has failed & you got lucky.
Feel free to PM me with a phone number for assistance if required.
Grant B
- Snr Member
- Posts: 1371
- Joined: Sun May 25, 2014 11:13 pm
AC compressor failure ?
I also has the issue of the Aux fan failed on the front of the main rad.
I never managed to solve the problem even after 2 summers of swapping modules & having the vehicle plugged in many time with diagnostic gear & ended up fitting an after market eleccy fan..... problem solved in one hit for £25 after spending about £500 & so called "experts" looking at it.
I never managed to solve the problem even after 2 summers of swapping modules & having the vehicle plugged in many time with diagnostic gear & ended up fitting an after market eleccy fan..... problem solved in one hit for £25 after spending about £500 & so called "experts" looking at it.
AC compressor failure ?
Hi Grant, many thanks for your fast and detailed reply. Mine too is the 3.0D Sport. Anyway your answer is very helpful and I will get under the car to test solenoid wires when it is a bit warmer in a month's time and will revert then. I will be testing and probably replacing the Aux fan first, with an after market or good used one, whichever appears to be a better value option. "Krank" has a good video on you tube for this albeit his after market one is still a few hundred pounds . Do you have a recommendation for a cheaper 3rd party fan?
AC compressor failure ?
Since apparently these fans do go kaput after a while (I am at 105,000 miles) I am dithering on whether to pay £60 - £80 used and risk a future failure or how much more for a new 3rd party one.