We have recently migrated the forum to new software and some users are having trouble logging in despite using a password they know to be correct.
If you get a message saying your password is incorrect please use the "I forgot my password" link on the login page (or click HERE). This will email you a link you can use to reset your password.
As well as doing this is is advisable to also do the following:
- Remove bookmarks to the forum (you can save them again once deleted)
- Clear your browser cache (and cookies)
Apologies for the inconvenience, you should only have to do this once.
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Problems logging in
Re: Problems logging in
Not so much a problem logging in,
The post edit button appears to have vanished.......
A combination of dyslexics, illerate and Apples, autocorrect having a mind of its own, causes much wanting need
The recent post menu on RHS, the icon is small and normally opens the original posters details as opposed to the post.....
Great job on the update
The post edit button appears to have vanished.......
A combination of dyslexics, illerate and Apples, autocorrect having a mind of its own, causes much wanting need
The recent post menu on RHS, the icon is small and normally opens the original posters details as opposed to the post.....
Great job on the update
Re: Problems logging in
testing post edit feature
Re: Problems logging in
It is there, on the right hand side:
Not sure which icon you are referring to. If you click the little man icon it shows the profile, if you click the topic text it opens the topic.
Re: Problems logging in
Both sorted now Thans