by CondorX5 » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:56 pm
Pretty poor show from the supplying dealer, I say, but then the warning signs were all there......they left the bent wheel unfixed and you had problems getting them to sort out identified faults and get the car ready for you and they spun you all sorts of yarns, but that’s the dishonest world of used car dealers I guess.
If the brakes or wipers or bent wheel are so “shot” as to be dangerous or unserviceable , the dealer that sold it would legally have to rectify - you only bought the car a few days ago! It is a pre-existing fault and it emerged within a few days of sale.
Big outlay when you bought the car a few days ago and a very dishonest supplying dealer, whoever they may be.
X5 2005 Le Mans Blue 4.8is
Fully loaded but Now semi-retired!
X5 2012 Alpine White 40d MSport 21" style 215 black alloys, rear entertainment, media package, comfort seats and a load of other options.