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Starting Problems ... help

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Starting Problems ... help

Post by myself01 » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:44 pm


I have an X5 Auto 3.0d Facelift 2005.

For the last 2-3 months I've been getting some issues starting the vehicle.

It seems to happen when I've driven the car and then I stop somewhere. When I try to start the car again within the next 10 minutes or so it just doesn't start (though this does not happens every time though).

The dash lights come on, the radio starts, and the fan/air con also starts - but the engine does not do anything. There is no rattling sound ... it just doesn't do anything. I've tried moving the gear lever between up and down many time but that does not helps either.

The only pattern I can see is that when this happens, the car seems to start fine after about 20-40 minutes.

I took the car to a garage who could not find any issues. I've also tried to connect an OBD sensor and it does not shows any obvious errors as well.

It's causing issues so much so that I have started avoiding the X5 where I know that I would need to stop only for a short duration and then start again.

I've also been reading various forums and have read somewhere that it could be the key .. so I've been thinking on getting a new key made by BMW (as I only have 1 key) - though I am not sure if that is the problem or not.

Any urgent help/suggestions would be really appreciated ..


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Re: Starting Problems ... help

Post by Steamyrotter » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:05 pm

Firstly Welcome,  Would be nice to introduce yourself first..

Search the forums as this has been covered many times with different theories and results.

Precis -
Could be, Ignition barrel, EWS ecu, Key??, injectors, DDE ecu, Starter and or solenoid faulty when hot, sticky neutral switch, low batt volts etc..

You must understand that fault finding from afar is less than ideal therefore deeper exlaination of the fault is required.

Does the starter actually turn or is it completely lifeless?
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Re: Starting Problems ... help

Post by myself01 » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:56 pm


I'm new to the forum and my knowledge of car electronics is very minimal ...
I'm good with technology in general and am able to pick up things pretty quickly.

I live in London and have an X5 E53 (2005) Auto 3.0d Facelift, which has done about 76k miles - and I really enjoy driving it.

Coming to the problem at hand, I agree that there are many post on many forums and I have read through many as well ... and the more I read, the more I am not sure of what reallt might be the issue.

I guess the only pattern that I can see in all the time I've had startup issue, is that it only seems to happen when the engine is warm. I leave the car for 20-40 minutes and it just starts fine. Having said that I don't have sufficient knowledge to say what that may mean.

About the question if the starter actually turns or it is completely lifeless ... how do I check that? I don't hear any sound of anything turning when the problem happens.

I also checked fuse 5 and fuse 47 and they are not blown.


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Re: Starting Problems ... help

Post by Steamyrotter » Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:08 pm

You'll know if the starter is turning as it will try to turn / crank the engine.

You may need to check to see if the starter solenoid is getting any power under those warm conditions.
If it is then the starter / solenoid could be at fault.  These have been known to be affected by heat, especially ones that are already a bit iffy.

If no signal to the solenoid to start then you need to delve deeper backwards..

It is unfortunately a difficult one to find as heat effects are involved..
It could be anything in the end, but you need to start form first principles, then get to the complicated bits..
If things were meant to be easy, then I will soon complicate them....
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I don't assume to know everything, and know there is a lot I don't know..
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Re: Starting Problems ... help

Post by myself01 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:50 pm


Thanks for your comments.

I don't feel or hear anything turn or crank when this problem happens.

Today morning, I drove the x5 for 1 hour and then when I stopped and tried to restart, the car did not start.

I then plugged in the ODB unit I have and took photos of all the values it displayed (and I don't really understand these values).

Here are the pics:


All these images were taken with car being stationary and the key being in the position where it normally would be when the car is running.

In particular I am worried about the glow-plus warnings .. any ideas what I need to do about these, and it these could be related to the starting problem.

Last edited by myself01 on Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Starting Problems ... help

Post by X5Sport » Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:34 pm

11.6V is a bad battery and if that's with the engine running you may have alternator failure.  Should be 12.6V minimum and 14.4V with the engine running.  At 11.6V it is likely that the starter solenoid isn't triggering so you won't get any engine crank.

I'm intrigued that so much data is against the wrong field on the first screen which doesn't help.

All your glow plugs appear to have a problem too.
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Re: Starting Problems ... help

Post by Steamyrotter » Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:51 pm

Was it actually in 3rd gear????
Must be either neutral or park before it will start!!
If things were meant to be easy, then I will soon complicate them....
Please note...
Anything I say is only from my personal experience and knowledge..
I don't assume to know everything, and know there is a lot I don't know..
But then I could be talking bollox.. O:-)

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