by greg1980 » Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:46 pm
I will start with saying the car is about 80% quieter than it was. Rattling is still there not as distinctive as it was before. I personally don't think that's there is an issue with HVA but we have replaced all of them as well. I also replaced all of the intermediate levers as the old one were from the "dodgy" batch and the steam seals while we were there.. I also replaced cam chain tensioners but this didn't make any difference and non return valves. VANOS solenoids have been cleaned as well and the new coils fitted. Cam chains are good and the guides as well.
The problem with this engine is that is so complicated and there is no obvious damage or broken part so only thing what you can do is guess. I went through all forums available and I don't think the issue is with vanos or cam chains, I don't think the issue is with HVA as well, I think there was something not right with the intermediate levers. I also think when you changing the intermediate levers ,you should replace the eccentric shaft which I haven't done. The problem is that the repair is so complex and there is no way of testing it while you working on the car that it is very difficult to say what is making this rattling.
The whole repair set me back (ONLY LEFT BANK 1-4) £2500 inc parts. Parts it self were £1200 this includes nearly 20ltr of Castrol oil, as we change the oil twice as we were testing different grades of oil and I can say when we put 0w40 we did get occasional ticking from the HVA on right bank, we changed all the coils as well.
I'm really tempted the get the eccentric shaft from BMW and try to swap to see if that is going to help.
I can tell you one thing after all of this X5 runs much smoother, idle is very stable and gearbox works a much better as well( smoother).